In today's best game/app deals, Worms3 for iOS has now gone free for the very first time. It is regularly listed at $5 and has never before gone free on the App Store. We also have deals on a number of other Worms titles, all of which matching the lowest prices we have seen. You can find all the details below the fold.
We have some notable deals on gaming hardware and accessories today courtesy of Amazon and eBay for Mac, Xbox One, PC and more. All of which are the best current prices we can find:
As for console gaming, Amazon is offering The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt for $49.99 shipped (Reg. $60, current best price). While we have seen it for less in a very limited Best Buy deal that ended within hours, and the Xbox One version for $45, this is the current best price available on a possible game of the year contender. You'll also find the Halo Master Chief Xbox One bundle with an extra controller and Assassin's Creed Black Flag for $349 shipped right now on Amazon (current best value).
Down below you'll find today's Mac/iOS deals including ReadKit, ProCam 2 and more Worms!
Ongoing game deals/promotions:
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